1.1 Introduction In this Chapter, the study will highlight the background information related to the promotion of Secretaries in the Ministry of Energy. It gives the state of the problem and the objectives. It also highlights the scope and limitation of the study. The Researcher elaborates on the significance and justification of the undertaking. Promotion involves a change of status and usually means appointment to a higher grade post and job group with greater responsibilities. The Ministry of Energy has embarked on training secretaries because it is in promotion that a worker obtains satisfaction and feels motivated it is satisfying this desire to advance and develop that morale is kept at a high level. Secretaries condemned to routine secretarial work without a chance of promotion inevitably become frustrated, un- interested and lethargic resulting to high staff-turnover, low productivity and general dissatisfaction.
1.2 Background The Ministry of Energy was established in 1982 and it was carved from the Ministry of Regional Development. The Ministry has a workforce of 299 employees out of which 75 are sustained at the energy centres, The ministry’s mission is to facilitate provision of sustainable, affordable reliable and secure energy for national development while protection the environment. Its vision is to be the centre of excellence in facilitating and providing stimulus for sustainable and affordable energy in Kenya and the region. The main players in this sector include; Kenya Power and Lighting Company (KPLC) who are involved in distributing electricity in the country. Kenya Pipeline Company Limited (KPC) is involved in transportation of oil though pipelines, National Oil Corporation of Kenya (NOCK), manage the oil standardization in the country. Kenya Electricity Generating Company (KenGen) are involved in
References: and Internet 20,000/= Typing and Binding proposal 15,000/= Photocopying 5,000/= Transport 15,000/= TOTAL 60,000/=