Dr. Godfrey St. Bernard, the family is a social institution that binds two or more individual into a primary group. In the society of Trinidad the functioning of the family ids vital. This society at large represents one that is slowly deteoriating and the question is why? One causable factor is the breakdown of the family structure. One reason is that of single – parenting. The socio- economic effects based on research, is not only detrimental to the individual but to the society and wider community at large that experiences the phenomenon
Single parenthood experienced by citizens in Trinidad may be the caused by many factors. “The dynamic character of the family structure has an impact on a host of the other social institutional spheres, prospective economic fortunes and sustainable future.” The socio economic effects of single parenting includes father absent homes, sex roles being reversed, high levels of teenage pregnancy, behavioural and educational challenges. This was reported by Princeton sociologist Sara Lanahan. Socialisation and childcare it can be observed is generally affected. In Maureen Samms Vaughan study “ The impact of family structure on children,” highlights the manifestations of a number of internalizing and externalizing problems that develop as a result of single parenting families in the western societies. The economic deprivation of single parent family life in combination with other of strain and stress is a major source of the problems experienced by the children belonging to these families.
Some problems may be attributed to a lack of economic stability and a decrease in adult supervision (McLanahan and Sandefur1994). Children tend to experience short