2.5 billion Text messages are sent per day Majority of people have been affected by “slang” language. This report describes and evaluates the reference of ‘slang’ being incorporated into the English language. Qualitative research in the form of a questionnaire has been used to conduct the research and gather the necessary information needed to compile this research report. With the research conducted, it was found that students are very keen and do not mind ‘slang’ being incorporated into the school syllabus and into the English language. With careful evaluation, it has been identified that ‘slang’ is used mostly by those who are too lazy to type and people who find it hard to remember the spelling of certain words. They also find it easier and quicker to write and type. further research can be conducted to find out how the Department of Education and English professionals think about ‘slang’ being part of the English language and ‘slang’ being used in schools as an acceptable language.
The effects of ‘slang’ language on the English vocabulary?
“Since texting became popular in the 1990’s, the underlying question is whether it is the texting language is advancing or ruining the English language” (Huang, 2008: para 8). Research on this topic has been conducted, on both the positives and negatives. 2.5 billion Text messages are sent per day Majority of people have been affected by “slang” language.
“This new form of communication has become so prominent that some educators worry that it may be damaging learner’s literacy skills.” (Paul, 2010: para.1). Throughout the centuries, the English language has change from various types, like the Shakespearean English, the Elizabethan English; to the English the modern people of today now speak. “This structure allows people to write and receive messages faster.” (Puaze, 2011: para 1). The impact of the texting language has contributed drastically to the immense change and standards to
References: 5. Pause. J 2011http://oldmunicipallibrary.blogspot.com/2011/02/texting-and-its-effects-on-english.html (Accessed... 12/08/2013) Appendices