Slavery has effected has effected America’s history and even present. Slavery has affected me due to the fact that I am an African American. It is more important to understand ones history and to under
Stand oneself.
From the beginning there have been slaves. Slaves were known merely as a thing, not as a person.
They have been traded, bought, and even given as a gift. Soon slaves were a fundamental to the community and the economy. Slavery in America began in a North American colony of Jamestown,
Virginia, in 1619, to aid in the production of such lucrative crops as tobacco. Slavers were mainly used to help build economic foundations
of the new nation. So mainly the reasons for slaves was because the Slavery plays a big role in society that has more negative than positive effects. Some of the effects of
Slavery are broken families, lack of schooling, racism, and self-hate.
A broken family was when slave trade broken families apart, by selling them to different owners. This denied us of secure family life. This affects my life as an African American due to the fact that today, over 70 percent of African American children are born to unmarried women in America. It was so common in the past that it is even expected to happen today.
The second effect is the lack of schooling; this denied us the right to read or write. This caused generalization that black people are uneducated.
The third effect is food. Food has affected our diets as black people today due to the fact that in the past we were feed scrapes such as: pigs feet, cow foot, ox tail, and other unhealthy foods . These unhealthy foods are still apart of many African Americans lives today, including me. This has caused us to be prone to diabetes, heart diseases, strokes, high blood pressure, and even more.
The Fourth effect is racism. Racism is a prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different face based on the belief that’s one’s own face is superior