Throughout history, media has presented current events and effectively channeled information to large groups of people. As technology evolved, the format of media transformed, beginning with printing presses generating newspapers that wrote descriptions of news stories, followed by the introduction of the radio that allowed the masses to hear transmissions of news for themselves, and later the creation of the television that let the public see events. Most recently, social media has been used to spread news among people, with audience rather than reporters generating the news stories. The ubiquity of media is particularly evident in election years, with media and technology constantly following candidates around. The contenders in an election must exercise caution about what they say, their actions, and how it is translated to the general public, since the media communicates and displays to the public what the candidates stand for and can influence public opinion. In this regard, candidates can both be aid and hurt by the media: helped because the media can present an unbiased version of the candidate and harmed because the general public may focus on superficial aspects of the candidate, such as outward appearance, rather than on issues. Both media and technology can have a profound influence on elections as evidenced by the 1960 presidential debate, the book Fahrenheit 451, and the 2008 presidential election.…
Facebook isn’t just a place to see pictures of friends and family’s latest vacation, or to see what your sister-in-law cooked for dinner that night. It’s a place where news, messages, ideas, and funny cat videos can spread at the click of a button. Given that, on average, over 628 million people log on to facebook each day, it is a great website for advertisement. With these statistics, anyone trying to relay some type of message would be “stupid” to not use Facebook as a resource. With this in mind, the Facebook page of GOP front runner Donald Trump takes advantage of the use of Facebook to express his personal values, gain media exposure, and to acquire voter support for his presidential campaign through a use of image and text post strategies…
President Obama has his success in media harness. Back in 2007, he was just an anonymous senator from Illinois[1]. Yet a year later, he successfully turned himself from a little-known senator into the Democratic nominee and 6 months later became the 44th president of the United States after winning the election against Republican candidate John McCain. Deep inside, a major success factor for Obama’s victory was how Obama’s campaign used social media and technology as an integral part of its strategy, to raise money, and, more importantly, to develop a groundswell of empowered volunteers who felt they could make a difference.…
As of January 2014, 74% of online adults were social media users. When social media began in the late 1970s with Bulletin Board System, a program designed to allow users to download files, games, and post messages to other users through telephone lines via a modem, not many were prepared for the effect it would have on the world 30 years later. As social media progressed through AOL (1990s), MySpace (2000s), and now onto Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, social media has continued to become a larger part of more and more people’s lives. A role that is now so large that many argue social media has become more of a curse than a blessing, and has poisoned communication, in person and over the Internet. But, social media helps protection services and law enforcement, assists people trying to stay up to date with the news, and allows people to stay connected with current and past friends.…
The Internet has had a substantial impact on politics throughout this century. It has reshaped the political landscape by allowing politicians to stay in the know and quickly respond to information related to politics than ever before. Information presented on the Internet has affected the view of people as it relates to politics and politicians. People now have the ability to play a greater part in the political process and be more involved which adds more impact on what occurs in the process. Not only does the Internet benefit the people, but it also benefits politicians from the many useful tools that allows politicians to communicate with voters such as e-mail distribution lists, blogs, podcasts, or even Twitter accounts. The Internet has changed the delivery of information. It now comes out as lightning speed, followed by lightning responses from politicans on various topics. Voters have a greater chance at being heard for what they want with the many communication tools available on the Internet. Through the peoples' voices, politicians are able to learn more about what voters want and what they are concerned about. They play a role in how the political landscape has been reshaped, and how politics are impacted. The Internet has become a great source for people to express their concerns in politics, and a great place for politicians to connect with the people and get a pulse of how they are feeling. It has a great chance to continue to be the source of keeping politicians in the know.…
Due to the fact that people are becoming more and more attached to social media rather than interpersonal relationships, they are making themselves vulnerable to online political influence and persuasion. Individuals who live through social media have made themselves dependent on information that is provided to them on their select networks. They also are more likely to trust what they read online rather than what they may hear directly from a political leader first hand. Those who are more likely to generate replies, begin conversations, and distribute information are the main persuaders throughout all media. These persuaders are referred to as “prosumers” which is the combination of producers and consumers. This word choice was chosen because these individuals are supplying user-generated content online while at the same time-consuming information as well. Researchers believe that if these prosumers continue to use social media as they do then they will eventually begin to engage in politics more and more. After a while, these social media prosumers will acknowledge themselves as actual opinion leaders. An online leader is described as someone who is engaging in larger levels of media exposure and tends to hold a greater position in social networks. Opinion leaders indirectly…
It is estimated that 50% of all Americans get their news from social networking sites such as Twitter and Facebook (Sutter, 2012). These sites…
The internet has changed the way news is conveyed because it is now easier to personally search key terms regarding political information instead of relying on specific news sources. Although politics has become easier to research, politics is a smaller subject compared to other topics in the internet. For instance, Americans are more particularly interested in popular culture rather than politics; before election day, only 12% of hits regarded political information. The positives of relying on the internet for our news include strengthening a citizen’s opinion after backing up their views with political information, in addition, campaigning websites has allowed for better communication and the ability to reply and critique an internet platform. In contrast, the drawbacks of internet reliance for news comprise of one-sided news articles that are potentially biased along with false blogs and news articles that may delude…
Voter predispositions, political naivety and persuasive advertising: voting is no longer based on policy and beliefs…
Social media is the interaction among people in which they create, share, or exchange information and ideas in virtual communities and networks. Engagement through social networking sites and Twitter has become a marked feature of political and civic life for a significant portion of Americans .According to the Mass Communication and Society study, the ability to express political views and opinions online plays an important role for social media in campaigns. Social media allow users to not only seek information but also interact with others through online expression such as posting political commentaries on blogs and social network sites and sharing multimedia commentary. In past campaigns, Facebook users have expressed themselves politically in many ways, such as making online donations, encouraging friends to vote, or posting graphics or status updates expressing political attitudes and opinions. Twitter and blogs have been used by candidates and…
Through the whole cycle of the presidential election social media has had many effects on votes this year’s elections because of the portrayal of the candidates in and out of the campaign. Leading up to the presidential debate and election social media holds more negative effects for teenagers. Social media gives teenagers the opportunity to freely voice their opinion, but people vote based on opinions they hear on social media. We didn’t actually know the presidential candidates we go based on what appears on the media. Lastly, social media brings out the ugliness in people because arguments citizens don’t agree on lead to possible racism.…
People use social media to share positive and negative opinions about different candidates and their political beliefs. This brings huge change to the election as a whole because of the massive exchange of information. So many different people with vastly different opinions are able to gain a large following and share their ideas with the world. This can have a great effect on voters and spread new information all over america. It can also get new voters involved with politics, and increase numbers especially in young groups. Many say that social media has completely shaped their political opinions, “Overall, 29 percent said social media was moderately to extremely influential in their opinions of the candidates and issues.”(rehr) This without a doubt has had an incredible effect on american…
Since the early 1990’s, when Tim Berners created the “World Wide Web”, the Internet has developed into an important part of life and a tool in political campaigns. And with the rise of social media more interaction is possible with voters. Some of the tasks that Internet has brought are fundraising, interacting with voters, organizing and mobilizing supporters, and gathering data. Since 1992 each presidential campaign has used the Internet as a part of their campaign strategies. In 1992, Bill Clinton’s campaign first used the Internet to talk to the voters.…
In today’s social media it is easier for people to get their word out to the people faster. This past election has influenced heavily by social media along with other major new events earlier in the year. Among 18-29-year-olds, nearly two-thirds said social media is the most useful means of learning new things about politics according to a study released last year by the Pew Research Center (Perrin, 2015). This past year has shown a drastic increase in the use of social media among young adults and even people in their 40’s and 50’s when it comes to following the news and current events. 65% of american adults use social networking sites and young adults 18-29 are sitting at an all time high of 90% according to the Pew Research Center (Perrin, 2015). We all saw Donald Trump use social media to his advantage during this past election and many predict this will be a new trend in…
Democracy has set the standard for an ideal government today. Many nations today have achieved this glorified form of governing. Democracy in its own way is a procedural system, in by which the people set the steps and the government enforces them. This system consists of elections in which “representatives” are elected in all positions of government for a set period of time. During said time, they are obligated to fulfill and aid the public’s needs to the best of their ability. In today’s international community an image of good vs. evil has been painted to represent the nations which embody the democratic system good against those who don’t follow the system . Democracy in itself has become a very controversial topic in the sense that it’s not really a true representation of the citizens. The criticism towards democracy dates back to pre-Christ times, where Aristotle viewed democracy as something that is not for the greater good but as a gateway to the poor (who held majority) to take away from the wealthy.…