Social network is defined as the grouping of individuals into particular groups that centers on reflecting and building of social relations or social network among people, for instance, people who share activities, interest, posting information, comment, and images (Carrington, Scott and Wasserman, 2005). Teenagers are among the most prolific users of social network sites. This kind of communication is seen very common with teens as they perceive it as a network for them to improve some aspects in their life or even in their studies through informations provided in the internet. However, social networking sites are not a wholly positive influence in the world. Some research prove that social network can also affacted Malaysian teenagers in any bad ways. The main effects are through academically, mentally and also the society.
Most of teenage life surrounded by studies either in school or university. They should put more focus on studies but most of them detected to spent more time on social network moreoverly the internet games, Facebook and Twitter. This problem will effect them academically. Facebook as example, can be distracting and can negatively impact learning. Studies found that middle school, high school and college students who checked facebook at least once during a 15-minutes study period achieved lower grades (ScienceDaily, Aug 7, 2011). Time left to be spent at home are usually used to get some rest and do other stuff such as watching television and surfing the internet. Surfing the internet is one of the reasons why teenagers will not be able to submit the school homeworks or assignments given by their teachers. It will make them forget about their tasks. Yet, they will probably get tired and not willing to do their homeworks. Besides that, they might also couldn’t pass examination because they are not willing to do revisions or make a study group. Furthermore, students tend to sleep during the examination period after holding the eyes for too long facing the internet.
In addition, social network can also effect teenagers mentally through depression and unstability emotions. Overdosing in facebook may lead to development of psychological disorders in teens (Larry Rosen, a professor of physcology at California State University). There are also presence of other psychological disorders, including antisocial behaviours, mania and also aggressive tendencies in teens moreoverly who have strong presence in Facebook. Rumours and ridicules about facebook users that spreaded through a status will somehow make them feel humiliated and depressed. This will also lead them to suicide. Besides that, there are certain things such as family problems that hidden from them but it appear somehow in the internet moreoverly from their own family members blog. Teen who get to know about it might be feel guilty or mad on what had happened around them without their awareness. Furthermore, losing chance in any internet games will get some of them couldn’t control their emotions by being angry and feel ashamed among the fighters in the game involved moreoverly if it is a betting game between them.
Socially effects is also included as one of the main effects of social network on Malaysian teenagers. As we barely know that teens oftenly surf videos in internets such as from Youtube. Some videos contain violence actions. They will probably get influenced and they might imitate and practising those action towards other people or even to the public. Teens are known that they have the feel to try anything new during the increasing of ages, hormones while also the experience in teenage life although somehow they didn’t realise that their actions can harm people around them. They could involve in crime such as killing people with or without their intention. Furthermore, over-sharing of some porn videos and watched by the teenagers can get them in other crime such as rape and sexual harassment against women. This problem will lead them to the prison and can destroy their future.
In conclusion, social network seems to effect the Malaysian teenagers roughly through academically, mentally and also the socially side. Meanwhile, teenagers should realize their responsibilities and their own limits towards using the social networks in their life.
Carrington, Scott and Wasserman (2005).
References: Carrington, Scott and Wasserman (2005).
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