Critical information creates a need for torture, we as the United States need a fair and civil way of acquiring this critical information. Immediate effects of torture seem the most detrimental. Information includes critical information with major implications. The question contains the right of freedom and do our citizens deserve torture to gain this critical information? Generational effects of torture shows the need to protect our citizens and future generations. The person that tortures an individual also goes through many traumatic experiences, the want to serve their country turns into a disservice and unthankful act. Torture, one of the most critical and controversial methods of war can lead the country …show more content…
Desperation drives Marcus to sign or do anything to escape the prison “I begged to be allowed to sign the papers” (Doctorow 23). Marcus would sign anything to gain his freedom, Marcus broke from the psychological torture and did something that went against his character. Marcus and the torture he endured at the so called prison can be compared to torture used in modern times “ I was afraid of my future. If I ever go out of prison will I ever get work? I kept praying, my faith in God kept me alive” (Gupta 1). The man tortured had the same thoughts and desperation of Marcus, willing to do anything to be free. Freedom is a right and a cornerstone policy in all Countries part of the free world. Marcus and other citizens being held is anti american and immoral. Shame plays a role in Marcus and his desire to be free “I felt the shame rise in me” (Doctorow 23). Torture uses shame to make a victim corporate, the person in custody will do anything to get out of their shame they have. Countries and agencies use shame to accomplish their intel needs “I reached for the kitchen knife and tried to slash my wrists. My wife screamed and ran to stop me. I don't see any meaning to my life any more” (Gupta, Dera 1). Demoralizing acts on the tortured person leads them into a hole in hopes, that they will corporate, Torture may seem effective, but torture leads to deep pain and hurt for the victim that …show more content…
“This isn’t as bad as it gets you know” (Doctrow 21). Severe haircut lady shows a clear amount of boredom and frustration at Marcus. She detains Marcus illegally and tries to show that they own his life and Marcus has no control, which contains very psychologically damaging. This strategy is also used in America and other countries that use torture “It happens because of boredom, anger at detainees, and a kind of one-upmanship” (DePillis 1). Doctrow displays how the DHS will do anything to gain the information that they want, even if they believe that there is none to be obtained. Treatment at this level deserves new laws regulating torture and how American people are held. “Do you want to catch the people who attacked your home” (Doctrow 21)? The question raised by Severe Haircut Lady shows her intent could still be good and she wants to serve her country. Severe Haircut Lady in the end just turns into one of the president's people to help get him elected, something she does not display. Participating in events that hurt your country creates a dangerous situation, Severe Haircut Lady obviously falls victim to it “Basically they’re normal when they go in. They’re not sadists,” Rejali says. “They’re chosen primarily because they’re loyal, they’re patriotic, and they can keep a secret” (Rejali, DePhillis 1). Studies show that people