Laptop, a personal computer that is designed for mobile use and small and light enough to sit on a person’s lap while in use, has been well developed in technology. Because the use of computer or a laptop has been exceedingly increased as time passes, Manufactures bring out items such as netbook or iPad, and try to come with better technology to make it more efficient for people to carry around and use it. This also increased many college students to use their laptops in class. Using laptops in classroom can be for their education improvement for their class or to entertain themselves in boring lectures. Addressing issue of using laptops in class, there are some positive and negative effects. First, using laptops actually give students some positive effects such as improving student’s education. With laptops in classroom, it allows students to use many sources and share with others. There are many websites or programs that help educations. For example, in a class like biology or biology lab, if there are some lecture or experiments that needs to measure oxygen consumption as a measure of metabolic rate to learn about cellular respiration with a mouse, laptop becomes very helpful for students search for a program to figure out the concepts of oxygen consumption with cellular respiration when they do not really get the concepts in lecture or before they start the experiment. Using laptops for class gives students variety and unique sources to help their education in class. Second, using laptops in classroom make students or professor’s time much more efficient. For example, students who have slow hand writing can slow down the whole class, or when there is a lecture with long notes, it definitely takes lots of times away from class. Especially, fifty minutes like in college, writing notes for twenty or thirty minutes take almost half hours of the class. Using laptops and typing able class to do more activities or
Laptop, a personal computer that is designed for mobile use and small and light enough to sit on a person’s lap while in use, has been well developed in technology. Because the use of computer or a laptop has been exceedingly increased as time passes, Manufactures bring out items such as netbook or iPad, and try to come with better technology to make it more efficient for people to carry around and use it. This also increased many college students to use their laptops in class. Using laptops in classroom can be for their education improvement for their class or to entertain themselves in boring lectures. Addressing issue of using laptops in class, there are some positive and negative effects. First, using laptops actually give students some positive effects such as improving student’s education. With laptops in classroom, it allows students to use many sources and share with others. There are many websites or programs that help educations. For example, in a class like biology or biology lab, if there are some lecture or experiments that needs to measure oxygen consumption as a measure of metabolic rate to learn about cellular respiration with a mouse, laptop becomes very helpful for students search for a program to figure out the concepts of oxygen consumption with cellular respiration when they do not really get the concepts in lecture or before they start the experiment. Using laptops for class gives students variety and unique sources to help their education in class. Second, using laptops in classroom make students or professor’s time much more efficient. For example, students who have slow hand writing can slow down the whole class, or when there is a lecture with long notes, it definitely takes lots of times away from class. Especially, fifty minutes like in college, writing notes for twenty or thirty minutes take almost half hours of the class. Using laptops and typing able class to do more activities or