The present study highlights the efficacy of Team Learning on cultivating moral value of the students at Higher Secondary School. Parallel group Experimental method was adopted in the study. Eighty students ( control group – 40 students + experimental 40 students ) were selected as sample for the study. Researcher self –made achievement tool was considered as tool for the study. Pre test - Treatment - Post test was
adopted in the research. Team learning is more effective than conventional approach in cultivating moral value among the learners.
As a result of scientific and technological development, man has shifted his way of living from spiritual to materialistic approach. This shift has taken place gradually consequent to alien cultural influence. Due to Mohul and especially British rule, the entire system of Indian education and educational thought are wrongly conceived as irrelevant in the modern context. Ancient values and tradition are being criticized and misinterpreted. Gone are the days of Gurukulas , where education was mostly spiritual and pupils belonged to teacher not to an institution or school. But in modern days pupils are considered in terms of classes and not as individuals with their uniqueness and differences. In this changing scenario, the aims of education are redefined . They are :1. To prepare individuals for social and economic changes pertinent to national development, scientific progress and technological advancement. 2. To guide and direct individuals to accept these changes and to enjoy benefit from such changes. 3. To create dynamic, non-conformist and non-conservative frame of mind in them. Rapid scientific and innovative thinking resulted in many possible strategies of teaching values. It is believed that different kinds of values can be taught at different stages of development. Different methods of teaching values are