2012/13 Semester 2 BM0075 Essentials of Financial & Management Accounting ICA 2 – Project Guidelines
Date of issue: Week beginning 12 Nov 2012 Date of submission: 13 Dec 2012, Thursday, 4pm
Project Outline
This project constitutes 20% of the total assessment for the module, BM0075 – Essentials of Financial & Management Accounting. This project covers the topic “Published Financial Statements – Financial Analysis” taught in this semester. Students will submit on a group basis a type-written report including Excel spreadsheets on financial ratios computation. This project is designed for you to be resourceful and analytical. The ability to work in a team is important, thus brainstorming and group meetings are essential. Report writing and ability to integrate the various financial concepts will reflect the level of understanding of the topic. 1.2 Objectives
This project seeks to provide the following learning objectives: 1. Compute, interpret & analyse published financial statements for decisionmaking. 2. Use Excel to compute financial ratios. 3. Report and communicate the analysed accounting information. 4. Research using online data retrieval systems like Reuters, Bloomberg or Dow Jones and the Internet to obtain key business information on the company, its industry, as well as the country’s economic indicators. 1.3 Administrative guidelines 1. This project is to be completed by each project group, comprising 4 to 5 students. Grouping of students will be randomised by drawing lots, under the supervision of your module tutor. 2. You are to use the financial statements of a private limited company (referred to as “private company”) and the financial statements of a company listed on the Stock Exchange (referred to as “listed company”) to do the project. The financial statements of the private company will be published in Blackboard in the week beginning 12 Nov 2012.