All of us have been given the chance to thrive without discrimination of our colour, gender or sexuality. This is the meaning of a fair go. We are all part of the most opportunistic nation in the world and for this we are privileged. We in Australia are blessed to live in a country where everyone has a shot of life. We not only have access to free education but also a free healthcare system. Both of these are viewed as typical things here yes? Well, to many people of the world this is not the case. This is why we are lucky, we work to ensure all of us can make it through life with the least amount of financial stress. Also our ever developing economy continues to heighten the demand for jobs, leading to an outstanding employment rate as the 2012 Australian Census showed 74.45% of Aussies are in the workforce. Due to this demand we welcome immigrants who are willing to work and make a contribution to society, further expanding our diversity and …show more content…
As citizens, we have certain rights as individuals. Among these rights is freedom of speech. We usually think of speech just as spoken words. But freedom of speech means much more than merely allowing people to say what they want whenever they want. It means having the freedom to believe what you choose and to openly state your beliefs without being thrown in jail. As stated within the Australian commission of Human Rights “Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression” and although it is hard to believe, there are billions of people who don’t receive this basic human right. This is why we must consider ourselves lucky. We do not live in fear of oppression as so many still do to this day, nor do we live in a corrupt land. Corruption is a Cancer which eats away at civil societies and the rule of law. Fortunately, for us this is a rare occurrence. We in Australia have a strong record of global, regional and domestic action to prevent and expose corrupt activity. As a result of this we are one of the ‘cleanest’ countries according to the Transparency International’s annual Corruption Perceptions Index allowing all Australians to go about our life feeling safe and secure. This is why we are