
Egan's Integrative Model Analysis

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Egan's Integrative Model Analysis
Write a reflective essay of 3,000 words on the topic below using course material, published material and work based material.
Title: “Critical Evaluation of Three Models of Counselling and Egan’s Model”
From the counseling models, contained in the module, identify three main theoretical models in counseling and Egan’s integrative model. Consider and critically analyse which model is most relevant to your client base and justify its use by example. Provide an In depth rationale for your choice of models. The task of this essay is to choose and critically evaluate three models of counselling and Egan’s Integrative model. In my selection, I will give a definition of each theory, mentioning the major contributors in that field.
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Behaviourists use two processes to explain how people learn: classical conditioning and operant conditioning
Classical conditioning: Developed by Pavlov, can be defined as Papalia, D. E., Olds, S. W., & Feldman, R. D. (2007), “A type of learning which based on the association of a stimulus that does not ordinarily elicit a particular response with another stimulus which does elicit the response”. Association is key in classical conditioning, meaning if two stimuli are repeatedly experienced together, they will become associated. Both Watson and Pavlov experimented with stimulus and response ideas.
Pavlov’s classical conditioning experiments with dogs are world renowned. These eliminated any stimulus outside his control as he studied the response mechanisms of dogs related to certain sounds associated with food. He noted after time dogs salivated as if food was present when sound was heard. This is highlighted in the figure
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Thorne, Brian (2007) Empathy, in, Person-Centred Counselling in Action. 3rdEd. London: Sage Publications Ltd. Pp 67
Nelson Jones, Richard (2006) Creating Counselling and Therapy Approaches, in, Theory and Practice of Counselling and Therapy. 4th ed. London: Sage Publishing. Pp 6
Nelson Jones, Richard (2006) Creating Counselling and Therapy Approaches, in, Theory and Practice of Counselling and Therapy. 4th ed. London: Sage Publishing. Pp 15
Papalia, D. E., Olds, S. W., & Feldman, R. D. (2007), Human Development. 10th ed. Boston: McGraw Hill.
Rodgers, Carl (1980) Aspects of a person centred Approach, in, A Way of Being. New York: Houghton Mifflin Company. Pp 116
Rodgers, Carl (1980) Aspects of a person centred Approach, in, A Way of Being. New York: Houghton Mifflin Company. Pp 116
Stewart, William (2005) Cognitive Therapy, in, an A-Z OF Counselling Theory and Practice. 4thEd. Cheltenham: Nelson Thornes Ltd. Pp 84
Sutton, Jan, Stewart, William (2002) Preface, in, Learning to counsel, How to Develop the Skills to Work Effectively With Others. 2ndEd. Oxford: How to Books Ltd. Pp x
Watson, J.B. (2009) Introduction to the transaction edition, in, Behaviourism. 7th ed. New Jersey: Transaction Publishers. Pp

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