Table Of Contents:
Research and Background: 1
Procedure: 2
Research and Background: 3
Experiment: 4-8
Graphs: 5-6
What you need:
-Four raw eggs
-Four cups of white vinegar
-beakers/cups for the eggs
What to do:
1. Put the 4 eggs in each cup with one cup of vinegar. Let that sit for 24 hours. This will make the egg shell come off or dissolve. If the egg shell is not off, put the egg in fresh vinegar. Then, carefully wash the egg in water and measure each egg using a string to measure length and width using cm. Then put each egg in either, vinegar, corn syrup, a thin solution, and one of your own.
2. Now set them aside and observe and write down your data. Do 12 hour intervals record data before, during and after the experiment. Draw pictures and record results every 12 hours also, be sure to include how it feels, smells, looks like, and color. The hours should add up to be 36 hours in total.
Research and Background:
Diffusion: is the movement of molecules from an area of higher concentration to an area of lower concentration. Diffusion is driven by molecules kinetic energy until equilibrium is reached. The random movement of the molecules continues even at the equilibrium.
Osmosis: Is the diffusion of water across a membrane.
Hypertonic: Water diffuses out of the cell, causing it shrink.
Hypotonic: Water diffuses into the cell, causing it to swell.
Isotonic: Water diffuses into and out of the cell at equal rate, causing the cell to stay the same size.
Egg #1
Egg in the vinegar solution
Problem: What will happen if I put an egg in vinegar?
Hypothesis: If I put an egg in vinegar, then the egg will swell.
Observations: In the beginning of the experiment the egg felt weird and squishy, the color was white-ish/yellow-ish, there was some bubbles, and the egg still looked the