Altruism and egocentric assistance can appear as equivalent when observing the behavior in context. However, there are motivational factors influencing one's intent for prosocial behavior. In those who undergo personal distress, empathic concern may be implemented to reduce feelings of anxiety within oneself. Cognitive dissonance may result from inconsistencies in some cases of egocentric assistance due to a hesitance of the actor to offer assistance due to external factors such as injury or social anxieties. Socioeconomic status was found to influence the probability of antisocial behavior. This leads one to consider if the same type of effect from low socioeconomic status communities leads to egocentric assistance due to attention …show more content…
An individual may arrive at an intersection where two lanes of traffic flow together. Without affecting any other drivers in his or her proximity, the individual allows the driver from the incoming flow of traffic to slip in front of them. This type of driving behavior may be more empathic without the praise of others. When a driver attempts to let someone in traffic at an inappropriate time, it interferes with the flow of traffic. This type of driving behavior may stem more from gaining social approval from others even though it is potentially irritating for the surrounding population.
People offer assistance for social praise or fear of social reprehension, shunning, criticism, or denunciation. Those that fall in this category of assistance may increase their chances of assisting another when assistance by the apparent victim may not be desired.
Helping behavior that is motivated by underlying neuroticism is triggered by personal distress. Likewise, hostile aggression is also triggered by negative affect, frustration, and pain (Berkowitz, year). What determines if someone acts prosocially or aggressively when they experience negative affect? Perhaps those low in empathy are more prone to acting in an aggressive manner while people higher in empathy are more prone to acting in a prosocial …show more content…
Our beliefs about ourselves influence our actions towards others, impacting others beliefs of ourselves. Others' beliefs of ourselves cause them to act in accordance with those beliefs, which brings us back to the beginning by reinforcing our own beliefs of ourselves. An example of a self-fulfilling prophecy would be an individual being part of a religion that teaches him or her that (s)he is a good, empathic person. The individual then sees his or herself as a good person for going to church, which my positively reinforce thoughts that he or she is a good person. Actions, such as prosocial assistance, give support to the preexisting belief that he or she is a good person, reinforcing these beliefs through confirmation by action. Their engagement in empathic concern may fulfill this prophecy. The self-fulfilling prophecy creates a pleasant state of arousal in an individual's belief that one is empathetic, even if they have no conscious awareness this is taking place. Their actions are directed by their beliefs and the beliefs of others that they are good, empathetic