Through history there have been many different civilizations, a civilization develops, political, social, economical agriculture and religious aspects. Mesopotamia and Egypt are two different civilizations but still share some characteristics, because all humans have needs to solve, but each civilization adapts their own way of living.
Where there is water there is life,, that is the reason why Mesopotamia and Egypt were born next to a river. Mesopotamia means “land between rivers”, because it was established in the centrality between of Euphrates and Tigris rivers by the years 3500-1500 B.C.E. On the other hand Egypt was settle next to Nile River and the empire flourished on the year 3100 until 1070 B.C.E.
Egypt and Mesopotamia developed a way of agriculture in order to provide food for their people and survive. Their agriculture techniques involved the construction of canals in order to bring water farther from the river, so their crops wouldn’t get destructed when the water from the river flow.
Always since the first civilizations, there have been people with more wealth than others that influence on the creation of social classes. Even though Egypt people had different jobs and skin colors no social class emerged, in contrast to Mesopotamia, were three different social classes were born.; the free that was conformed by the royalty, officials, warriors, priest, merchants and artesian and they owned land; the dependant farmers or artesian class who did rural work and were paid with commodities like food and oil; and the lower class composed by slaves that were people captured from the war or came from the mountains.
On Egypt the people who owned more money were the king and high-ranking officials on the second economical place are the priests, professionals and well to do farmers and most of the population were peasants. In Mesopotamia and Egypt religious people were so important in society and