2. Mesopotamia and Egypt had many differences,, but they were both similar in one thing, “Both cultures were made possible by an agricultural surplus, in particular an access of grain (25, Standage).” It funded many a vast amount of public works/constructions to be possible such as canals, temples and pyramids and also freed a small elite of administrators and craftsmen from the need to produce their own food. Grain was the main national diet in both Mesopotamia and Egypt, refereed to as “edible money” because it was consumed in both liquid and solid form.…
Mesopotamia and Egypt are both similar because of their civilizations being located on a river system. The Egyptians had the Nile River and its delta that led in to the Mediterranean Sea. The Sumerians had the Tigris and Euphrates rivers that led into the Persian Gulf. Both of these rivers flooded, depositing silt onto the ground that would fertilize the soil. This would allow for agriculture and for huge populations to settle and grow in these regions. The Nile River flooded annually and the Tigris and Euphrates flooded randomly which could lead to a good or bad crop season. For ancient civilizations to exist, they needed to be located along rivers because they were a source of fresh water that is necessary for life. It also gives the settlement a good form of transportation up and down the river. Also, the water is used for farm animals to drink.…
Egypt and Mesopotamia vary drastically in land and geographic features due to its location. They had more differences than similarities which was a cause for the uniquely different cultures of each.…
After the Agricultural Revolution, the rise of civilizations scattered around the world, each one having various features that formed from their people and the land. Two civilizations that honed similarities and differences, Mesopotamia and Egypt, grew and adapted alongside river valleys—the Tigris and Euphrates rivers and the Nile respectively. Both civilizations turned to control and unify their people through ideas of class hierarchy and kingship. However, Mesopotamian life differed from Egyptian life, consisting of troubles in their crop production, negative viewpoints about death in their religious beliefs, and more restrictions for slaves and women.…
Mesopotamia and ancient Egypt both shared many distinct qualities amongst their civilizations. For example, their polytheistic beliefs as well as a similar social structure. These two civilizations differed in numerous modes, including political authority and geography.…
How did religion compare between Egypt and Mesopotamia. Both Mesopotamia and Egypt were polytheistic societies. The flooding of the rivers had to do with the consistency of the gods. In both societies priests are at the top of the class system. They play a major part in religion. The gods were pictured differently in these societies. A few of the Egyptian gods were Ra, Anubis, and Osiris. A few of the Mesopotamian gods were Ashur, Anu, and Enki .…
Both Egypt and Mesopotamia believed in many gods. In Mesopotamia they had massive destruction of their crops and lands because of the flooding, they believed that their god had exceptional powers so they had to keep the gods satisfied. In order to maintain them they offered food to the gods. While in Egypt it was calm and mother earth was not acting up, Egyptians believed that their place was designed as some shelter in a world so chaotic. Egyptians believed in preserving their bodies in order to supply the important tools that they would need for their afterlife. Overall Egypt and Mesopotamia left their marks and thanks to them we are able to benefit from many things that they created as a…
Both Mesopotamian and Egyptian civilizations placed religion first and foremost in their society. The key similarity between the two in regards to religious belief is how important and integral it was to their lives. Mesopotamia's entire culture and economy was governed by religion, with the temple being the central building in cities. Each city state was "owned" by a particular patron god or goddess whom the temple was dedicated (8). To Egyptians, religion was a part of the cosmic order of the universe and their ruler, the Pharaoh, was a God-king whose duty was to maintain stability within (21).…
The compare and contrast for Mesopotamia and Egypt. The Mesopotamians and Egytians had many things in alike and unalike. From Ruleings to the building and much more.…
People of the ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia lived in two different locations and interacted with two different environments. Both places were affected by water in different ways. Euphrates and Tigress rivers shaped the development of Mesopotamia whereas, the Nile, shaped the development of Egypt. At the end, the people of these lands were able to use this water to their benefit.…
Tulsa Community College Reflections of a Belief System: Ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia The belief system of a culture is seen in the arts, social order, and the laws of the people. This is evident to us today as we study the cultures of our past, for all have some sort of connection to a “higher power” in their seemingly everyday lives. Here, we will take a look at the similarities and differences of the ancient Mesopotamian peoples and the ancient Egyptians. By studying the legal systems and hierarchies of the people, we find that the ancient people of both Mesopotamia and Egypt tie in their religious affiliations with the law codes and social classes. Egyptians ruled by Theocracy, where the “state [is] ruled by a god or by the god’s representative.”…
One way in which they are similar was that they both farmed. The Egypt civilization was located all along the Nile River, while the Mesopotamia civilization was located by the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. The Egypt civilization’s location on the Nile River was a good spot because the Nile River flooded regularly. When the Nile River would flood, the flood would provide slit from further up the river and fertilize the ground for farming. The Tigris and Euphrates rivers did flood, but when they flooded it would be violent because the river current is stronger than the Nile’s. The Mesopotamia civilization built canals and dikes for flood control. Another similarity between the Egypt and the Mesopotamia civilizations was their Religion. Both the Egypt and Mesopotamia were polytheistic. The leaders in two civilizations believed to be related to the gods because of the wealth and power they had within the civilizations. The two civilizations also built temples to praise their god. The Mesopotamia civilization built a temple called Ziggurats to praise their god, while the Egypt civilization built temples called pyramids to praise their god. They made the ziggurats out of dry mud bricks while the pyramids were made out of limestone. The Egypt civilization believed that the pyramids they built protected the afterlife.…
Environmental and geographical factors highly influenced both Egyptian and Mesopotamian society. Both civilizations had periodic flooding occurring nearby. This could be viewed in both a positive and negative outlook, but unfortunately for Mesopotamia, residents had to deal with the Tigris and Euphrates River which caused irregular flooding and this then resulted in unstable agriculture, making the Mesopotamians come up with other ways to make things all the more convenient. Egypt on the other hand, had to deal with the Nile River which affected the civilization in a much more positive manner. Egyptians had the capability to predict when the Nile would flood. Due to the Nile’s predictable, annual flooding, agriculture benefitted from this because fertile soil was now available which led to the growth of crops and gave farmers and idea of when the time was best to pick their crops. Agriculture then flourished across the region and caused a surplus of food thus resulting in Egypt being self-sufficient as opposed to Mesopotamia who relied and depended on the trading of goods and other resources with other regions. Furthermore, natural barriers also affected the civilizations in various areas. Mesopotamia had few which again, was a disadvantage because there was always the constant worry of…
Throughout history there has been a tremendous amount of civilization eruptions, eruptions as in complex creations of diversity. Mesopotamia and Egypt may very well be considered some of the world’s most profound ancient civilizations dating all the way back to the beginning of time. In other words, Mesopotamia and Egypt both had a severe impact in the expansion of agriculture, development of advanced technology, as well as the social hierarchy system; all which are still present today.…
Mesopotamia and Egypt both had the same types of religions, including the same gods and goddesses. Both Egypt and Mesopotamia had supreme gods such as Ra, Amon and Osiris. Male gods had a female goddess as their wife. The gods and goddess of these two civilizations often had a human form and an animal form., sometimes the two forms were combined. For example, the god Horus can be shown as a hawk, or as a man with the head of a hawk.…