A pharaoh was the political leader of Egypt, similar to a modern day president. He was at the top of their social class, ruled all of Egypt, made laws, collected tax, was religious, represented gods on earth, preformed rituals, built temples, and had the titles of “Lord of Two Lands” for ruling both upper and lower Egypt, and “High Priest of Every Temple”. All citizens of Egypt would obey the pharaoh's orders. When a pharaoh dies, a son or relative would take place of him. Now for the rest of Egypt's citizens, they would be placed in social classes. Social classes were divisions of society based on their social and economical status. A person's social class would typically be determined by birth. The upper class of the social classes included pharaohs, priests and priestesses, and nobles. They ran government and religion. The middle class had merchants, artisans, scribes, and doctors. These were all skilled workers and provided service. The lowest class was made up of peasant farmers and slaves. Most Egyptians were peasant farmers or slaves, who did all of the physical …show more content…
While developing into a modern nation, Egypt was a British protectorate during early 1900’s. They broke off from Britain and gained independence in the mid 50’s, but still obtained British influence. This happened with the help of anti-british riots. Some important events that shaped Egypt's future growth is when Egypt was ruled by the Roman Empire which marked important events with Cleopatra and Julius Caesar. Egypt also has their most common religion today because of an Arab leader capturing the city of Alexandria making Egyptians convert to Islam, which later on spread. Wars, conquers, and revolutions throughout the time of ancient to modern egypt shaped the way Egypt is today and will