(List all reference at end of disadvantages)
1. Improving data access and time saving. EHR provide immediate access to a patient record, previous handwritten charting system did not give such ability. EHR eliminate the process of physical labor (transporting, delivery, hand filing). These systems reduced human errors in misplacing charts and patient’s medical records. With implementing EHR quick access to patient information means stuff can process every one faster. (Eisenberg, S., 2010)
2. Computerized physician data entry and ease sign-off for physician assistants and nurse practitioners. EHR systems give the ability to physicians place an orders for imaging, medication and treatment electronically thereby reducing time and error of hand –written orders. That mean if patient in the hospital was prescribed with medication pharmacist has access to this information immediately through the network, as well as primary care physician or specialist if they have …show more content…
the same EHR. Electronic charting give the ability for nurses and physicians review cumulative results Physicians assistants and nurse practitioner’s notes usually have to be signed by supervising physician. Now it could be done electronically instead of physically moving and sign papers. (Palma, G., 2013)
3. Preventative care. During patient visits primary care physician can see all preventative care data in one place. EHR systems have set-up option of notifications and a physician can easily check if such screening as mammogram or colonoscopy is due and make an appointment for patient. (Eisenberg, S., 2010)
1.Lack of interoperability between different electronic health record systems.
Because United States Health Care System is based on a market we have a lot different by price and company developers EHR systems available for healthcare facilities and private practices. Every practice can choose electronic record system that suits their needs and finance capability. The systems are not compatible with each other. Thus private practices and hospitals do not have access to each other records. This lead to not having update information for patient when it become available. Exclusion is private practices that affiliate with hospitals and health care facilities such as New York University Langone Medical Center. NYU Langone Medical Center has an affiliation with hospitals, radiology facilities, primary care physicians and specialist’s private practices. They have one electronic healthcare record
2. Copy and Paste functions. Many systems allow physicians to use copy and paste functions for documentation or part of the previous report for routine or follow-up visit. This may save time for the physician but it put patient at risk. Changes between visits can be missed or documented inappropriately. This will have an impact on quality of health care or put a patient at risk.
3. Privacy protection. Main concern for patients is a risk of privacy violations. Always will be a question, which has access to your health record information? In a paper hand-writing charts era information was not secured even in the hospitals were securities were exist. There was a limit of people who could see charts. In nova days when information goes to a centralized place more people can get access to information. For example after shooting involving Congresswoman in Arizona few hospital employees were fired because they access patients charts inappropriately. Privacy concern still a big issue even steps were taken by policymakers and health organizations to ensure that EHR comply with laws and regulations. (Torre, I., et al., 2011)