The Four Noble Truths are the main principle or belief for Buddhism and what Buddhists follow. The first of the Truths is the noble truth of suffering and that life itself is just suffering. The second Truth is the noble truth of the cause of suffering and the causes of suffering is ignorance and the attachment to transitory things. The third Truth is the noble truth of end of suffering and this goes into more detail telling us that while life is suffering, we are not …show more content…
exactly fated to suffer.
The fourth Noble Truth is the noble truth of the path leading to the end of suffering. This path is referred to as the Eight Fold Path.
The Eight Fold Path is the way to live one’s life. The Interactive Bible, an online source for religions, goes more in depth with describing The Eight Fold Path. The first out of eight for this path is the “Right Understanding” which is being able to comprehend that there is a difference between what is and what one desires to be sufficient. The second is the “Right Thought” and many thoughts enforces desire and suffering while this right thought gives that up to bring peace and tranquility. The third of The Eight Fold Path is “Right Speech” which tells us that talking can spread ideas and thoughts of wants and desires from one to another which means that in order to reach enlightenment one must reduce talking to what is necessary to teach or meet basic needs. The fourth is “Right Action” meaning
their acts are limited to only meeting their basic needs or out of compassion to help others meet their needs. The fifth is “Right Livelihood” which is described as giving up lying and taking from others and careers and jobs are of which that promote peace and prosperity. The sixth fold out of the eight is “Right Effort” telling us that The Eight Fold Path is not one that is easy but requires great dedication and pursuance to achieve what their goal is. The seventh is “Right Concentration” which is giving the person the ability to quickly discard distracting thoughts and view which come into mind distracting them from the immediate task. The final of the eight folds is “Right Mindfulness” which is the ability to bring oneself back to the task at hand when one’s concentration has lapsed (Buddhism). Once one is fulfilling all eight of these then they are capable of reaching enlightenment and being at peace with themselves.
The main focuses, principles, and beliefs of Buddhism are The Four Noble Truths which inside of that contain The Eight Fold Path and all of these things are required to be learned and followed in order for the person to reach the end of the path of enlightenment and fulfill what was needed of them as a human.