Erikson’s timeline include eight stages of life: infancy, early childhood, childhood (play age), childhood (school age), adolescence and young adulthood, young adulthood, mature adulthood, and old age. The stage I believe I am currently in is the sixth stage- young adulthood where we see intimacy vs. isolation.…
Еrіkson іs bеst known for hіs thеory of еіght stagеs of Psychosocіal Dеvеlopmеnt. Еrіkson’s thеory іs dіffеrеnt from sіmіlar thеorіеs madе by othеr psychologіsts іn that іt spans thе еntіrе lіfе cyclе as opposеd to only thе fіrst fіvе yеars of lіfе, whіch many bеlіеvеd was whеn pеrsonalіty dеvеlopmеnt еndеd. Еrіkson’s еіght stagеs of psychosocіal dеvеlopmеnt thеory combіnе both іntеrnal psychologіcal factors and еxtеrnal socіal factors. Еach of thе еіght stagеs buіlds upon thе othеrs and cеntеrs on a spеcіfіc crіsіs or challеngе that must bе fіxеd durіng that stagе іn ordеr to movе еffеctіvеly onto thе nеxt stagе of dеvеlopmеnt.…
Which parts of myself, do I teach my children to prepare them for their own life?…
1a) Describe how you, the Psychologist, would analyse and interpret the scenario. Discuss how you would explain to Kelly why she is behaving the way she does. Erik Erikson was a developmental Psychologist who specialised in identity and believed that identity is being who or what a person is and their sense of identity is distinct from others. He believed that the formation of identity occurs in adolescence and every child must go through stages to reach their full identity. Erikson believed there to be 8 stages that people go through at different ages to reach their full identity; trust vs mistrust (0-1), autonomy vs shame (1-3), initiative vs guilt (3-6), industry vs inferiority (6-12), identity vs role confusing (12-18), intimacy vs isolation…
This assignment has been very difficult for me to do. The first task in this assignment is to explain in which of Erikson’s eight stages of life I believe I am currently in.…
Erikson posited that there are eight stages of psychosocial development that a human being goes through during his or her lifetime. A person is faced with a crisis or challenge in each stage and how one deals with or masters that crisis determines how fully developed a person they become. Each stage builds on the previous stages and if one does not master the stage, and then it may cause problems later in life.…
After closely reviewing Erikson’s eight stages of life I find that currently I am facing his seventh stage. This stage is known as Generatively VS. Stagnation it happens when you are a mature adult. This stage I see myself as because I am needed in the life that I am living. I live my life striving for the pursuit to take care of my family, and live a well-balanced life. Being the family man and devoted parent that I am Erikson’s theory states that many adults obtain their needs to be needed, and by doing so they also direct the next generation in a direction. By being a generative adult I am committed to fulfill a greater need than just my own I am committed to leading my next generation to success with my positive guidance. The children I am raising are what make me a generative adult with a purpose to live. How can I fashion a gift is the main focused question of this stage. It took me some time to fully understand what that meant, but I believe it to mean what I can do in my life for my next generation to remember me for. This means am I going to be remembered as the lazy person who care about nothing, or am I going to be remembered for the amazing person I was that accomplished everything he set his mind to. I have answered this question a number of times by actively being involved in my daughter’s life and my family’s life, and showing them I can accomplish everything for us to have a great life. This means my role as a great father I am actively engaged in my daughter’s life I play with her, read to her, do puzzles with her, practice words with her and try to be a positive influence to her. My daughter is only two, and by being as positive I can be I am hoping that she grows up to be very talented and smart. The other side of it is I am a very hard worker, and provided everything that my family needs, so in by doing this it shows her what hard work can got you. Being an active father in my daughter’s life and future children’s life I am hoping will bless…
3). For instance, with the stage trust vs. mistrust the person has the potential to develop a sense of hope, if that persons parents respond to their basic needs in early childhood (Markstrom & Hunter, 1999, para. 3). Just like Piaget, Erikson's limitation is the structure of his theory. His theory doesn't explain in my opinion why some people make it to the next stage without having successfully completed the last stage. Another limitation of Erikson's theory is it tends to be male biased. Meaning it does not focus enough on the differences between male and female during development (Fleming, 2004, p.…
Adolescence is a stage at which we are neither an adult nor are we a child. Life of an…
1. What is the crisis experienced in Erikson’s first stage of psychosocial development? How did…
Erik Erikson was a psychological pioneer well thought out before his time. Instead of dealing in psychosexual stages, he was discussing work in terms of psychosocial stages. Heavily influence by Freud and believing that personality played a huge part in the conflict within the ego itself, Erikson was the first ego psychologist.…
Erik Erikson’s theory of psychosocial stages of development has been widely accepted as a matured and much sounder judgment of cognitive development of humans and his social interactions. According to the theory, a successful completion of each stages of development returns a handsomely healthy personality and how we view the world around us.…
Per Erikson, the first thing a child must learn in infancy is to trust himself and those around him in his environment (Berns, 2013). This is the basis of his personality growth; from here he will conquer many different stages as he grows and develops.…
“The most glamorous of all wars, is the war between oneself and himself.” How much sense does this quote make? What if it comes from an old warrior who has taken chief leadership roles in four major military battles? This is a quote of my grandfather, General Ahmed El Kouny, a major capstone in my life development. Although a military man with an “armed mentality” as he always labeled himself, he could through basic commonsense come to Erikson’s psychosocial analysis of personal development; a human being is in constant war against oneself. The first battle I faced was the day I was born, a battle of which the borders of my circle of trust was settled. Throughout my years, biological, social and psychological turning points in my life redefined…
Erikson, E.H. (1950). The Developmental stage of Erik Erikson. New York: Norton. Carole Wade. Carole Tavris. Tenth Edition…