Eileen Barker’s study on followers of the Unitarian church, The making of a Moonie was carried out over seven years which allowed a comprehensive study to be carried out and detailed information collected. The research was conducted gathering qualitative and quantitative data employing triangulation, 3 forms of participant observation. The research methods employed for individuals were in depth interviews (42pages), which provided detailed information on a large number of ‘subjects’, a list of all members was gathered to create a valid sample, the questionnaires were used to find balance between variables such as how many had come …show more content…
from catholic/protestant backgrounds.
The method of research for social interaction was participant observation, this attained observed data which could not otherwise be recorded such as behavior and customs. Barker kept a journal to over the course of her research, in this she was able to track any changes in views she may have become accustomed to later on in the research and subsequently excluded. Concepts such as ‘choice’ were operationalisd to create empirically recognizable research therefore if the research was repeated, answers could be duplicated. A control group was simultaneously studied to see whether attitudes displayed were as a result of being a member or existed anyway. Barkers research was biased on more than one level, the ‘Moonies’ chose the questions asked which screened the amount of data collected limiting the information. The research subjects did not act as natural with the researcher present, if the research was conducted using covert operation natural behavior could have been recorded. Barkers research would interest research commission groups, employing this
method especially when interested in understanding a particular organization or substantive problem. Becker. 1958. In order to discover whether groups such as the Kabbalah are a cult or new religious movement.
If social research is to remain of benefit to society and the groups and individuals within it, then social researchers must conduct their work responsibly and in light of the moral and legal order of the society in which they practice. They have a responsibility to maintain high scientific standards in the methods employed in the collection and analysis of data and the impartial assessment and dissemination of findings. The Social Research Association. 2003. Social science research should be conducted in such a way that it minimises harm or risk to social groups or individuals. Participants’ interests or well-being should not be damaged as a result of their participation in the research, even though in the short term there may be experimental procedures that generate some limited risk. At the same time, no group should be unreasonably excluded from the research. Research should be commissioned, designed and undertaken respecting the interests of all social groups whatever their age, disability, race, ethnicity, religion, culture, gender or other characteristics. Economic & Social Research Council. 2007.
Eileen Barkers study on The making of a Moonie was ethically sound and empirically recognisable, if it was to be replicated to study followers of the Kabbalah in the U.K. the research methods would not need to be altered.
Becker, Howard, S. Problems of inference and proof in participant observation. American Sociological View (1958), p652-660.
The Social Research Association. Ethical Guidelines. (December 2003).
Online journal: www.the-sra.org.uk
Economic & Social Research Council. Research Ethics Framework (2007).
Online journal: www.esrc.ac.uk/ESRCInfoCenter/Images/ESRC_RE_Ethics_Frame