Points of Note: A few important facts to note about Padre Millon: 1. He is primarily interested in metaphysics and handles classes in philosophy and theology, after which he teaches chemistry Different students have certain identifying and physics -- subjects in opposing ends of characteristics back then, based on the school college education. they are from: 2. He only glances at his textbooks during 1. Ateneo: These students dress as if they classes in physics and chemistry (little were in Europe, wearing tuxedos and the like. knowledge is dangerous), barely believes in Points of Note: They walk rather briskly, and always carry what the experts are saying, and eventually Teaching during that time was mostly in the around books and notebooks. approaches the subjects in a philosophical hands of the Dominicans. There is marked 2 Letran: These students dress in Filipino manner (he still does not believe that the earth rivalry between the Dominicans and the garments, and are a rather populous bunch. is round, or that it is revolving around the sun). Jesuits. They are not usually found walking around 3. He frequently throws insults at his students, with textbooks. and also about the subjects he is teaching. Padre Sibyla is the rector of the University of 3. UST: Their clothes are particularly clean and 4. He habitually throws questions to students, Santo Tomas, and the Dominicans are not in tidy, and they are always well groomed. They but does not
Points of Note: A few important facts to note about Padre Millon: 1. He is primarily interested in metaphysics and handles classes in philosophy and theology, after which he teaches chemistry Different students have certain identifying and physics -- subjects in opposing ends of characteristics back then, based on the school college education. they are from: 2. He only glances at his textbooks during 1. Ateneo: These students dress as if they classes in physics and chemistry (little were in Europe, wearing tuxedos and the like. knowledge is dangerous), barely believes in Points of Note: They walk rather briskly, and always carry what the experts are saying, and eventually Teaching during that time was mostly in the around books and notebooks. approaches the subjects in a philosophical hands of the Dominicans. There is marked 2 Letran: These students dress in Filipino manner (he still does not believe that the earth rivalry between the Dominicans and the garments, and are a rather populous bunch. is round, or that it is revolving around the sun). Jesuits. They are not usually found walking around 3. He frequently throws insults at his students, with textbooks. and also about the subjects he is teaching. Padre Sibyla is the rector of the University of 3. UST: Their clothes are particularly clean and 4. He habitually throws questions to students, Santo Tomas, and the Dominicans are not in tidy, and they are always well groomed. They but does not