Hooke’s Law
Phy11L - A2 (Group 4)
Abby Diaz, Glenn Louie Criste, Kristianne Mae Echavez, Lorenzo de Borja,
Maryette Garcia, Trixie Dhea Roldan
I. Abstract
The experiment is purely on Hooke’s Law and the concept of elasticity. It is performed simply by putting weights on the mass hanger. Using Hooke’s Law, apparatus weights and 2 types of spring was computed for the spring constant. By performing more than three trials and increasing the weights 10g per trial, the behavior of the spring constant was observed with varying force and displacement. With the spring constant obtained, the work done on the spring can also be calculated.
II. Introduction
The experiment defines elasticity which is the ability of an object to return to its original length and shape after the deforming forces are removed. It also makes use of the Hooke’s Law to observe the elasticity of a spring. The experiment is to prove if the amount of deformation is directly proportional to the magnitude of the applied force. Understanding these concepts is essential for innovation since it has many applications in real life especially in engineering and other sciences.
III. Theory
An example of elasticity is a rubber band, as we stretch the rubber band, it changes its shape, removing the force applied to it, it will return to its original form.
Hooke’s Law shows the relationship between the forces applied to a spring and its elasticity. The equation:
W = kx
W = ∫XoXf Fdx
W= FXf - FXo or W = ½ kx2
F = Force applied x = displacement of the stretched object k = Force constant (dynes/cm; N/m)
The Modulus of Elasticity is stated as the rate of change as a function of stress. For solid materials, Moduli of Elasticity in tension and compression are approximately equal and are known as Young’s modulus. It’s expressed by:
Y =