ElBulli became one of the best restaurants in the world through the innovation and creativity of Chef Ferran Adria. He chose to look past the customer as the emphasis for success and focus on creating the most unique food and dining experience. This led to a huge demand for his restaurant as well as many other business ventures. His business techniques are atypical for the restaurant industry, and his management practices unusual, yet it is almost impossible to get a reservation and his cook books are top-sellers.
There are many factors that have propelled elBulli to become the best in the world. Its ability to create a dining experience like no other and its innovative practices in its cuisine development allow elBulli to differentiate from other high-end establishments. Utilizing a large staff and implementing a structured plan for the delivery of the vast menu, elBulli customers receive a personalized understanding of the food and how it is created. Menu items are small and various and are served over an extended time by well-trained staff members, whom provide instruction on the proper way to consume the food in order fully appreciate it. This standardization and attention to detail ensures the customer receives the best experience possible. The development process created by Ferran Adria, though its R&D food lab, multiple chefs and advanced technology, assures a socially complex menu that would be difficult to recreate and thus provides an advantage over other restaurants and has led to its immense popularity.
The attention to dining detail and the presentation of “food like no other” not only makes elBulli one of the best, it also creates value for the customers. But it is its popularity that generates some of the greatest worth. The fact that it is almost impossible to obtain a reservation at elBulli produces some of the highest value to its customers. Potential customers may have to undergo extraordinary efforts to reserve a seat