It is absolutely despicable that someone would take advantage of another due to their age and exploit their vulnerability rather than provide help and trust. Another type of abuse is physical. As we age, our bodies become weaken by the tolls of life. We will not be able to do everything like we use to. Therefore, help may be needed from a caregiver. By giving complete trust to our helpers, we are essentially giving them all the power. This is when abuse can occur. Physical abuse is any bodily harm inflicted on a senior. The largest perpetrators to this type of abuse are their adult children and spouse. In Canada, seniors the least likely to be involved in violent crimes, however, they are the largest demographic to be violently assaulted by family members. This is incredibly sad and concerning. Especially for the adult children to be abusing their parents. This makes no sense as your parents are those who birthed you into the world and brought you up. And this how they are treated. Violent crimes against elders in Canada, has increased by 20% between 1998-2005. And these statistics are only those that have been reported it to the police, there are many that go …show more content…
They trusted their relative or social worker to care for them, however that ended poorly. 1 in 5 Canadians believe they know someone facing some sort of elder abuse. However, many of these cases go undetected because of fear or the inability to ask for help. Fear from the abuser can cause a victim to isolate themselves from peers and loved ones which only allows for the abuse to continue because no one knows about the harassment. A physical disability such as cognitive impairment can cause one to become confused and forgetful which can physically deny them to express their thoughts and concerns. A financial reason for silence may be because the victim has limited financial resources that forces them to very few options of placement and are unable to move to somewhere that provides better