Introduction to Eleanor Roosevelt A. Leaderships from the first lady and skills that are required to become the best possible leader in anything you choose. B. Eleanor was our First Lady at 48 years old. (4 March 1933- 12 April 1945). C. To define what a leader should possess and portray in the field of their study. D. Who is Eleanor Roosevelt and what made her a leader, my field of study and why I choose this career, and finally what makes a good leader; characteristics of a leader and my thoughts of my own leadership skills.
Health Information Technology
A. I like working with computers and working with people to assure them that things are on track. Health Information Technologists are becoming more needed which gives the opportunity to not only be needed but also gives the chance for advancement in this career field.
B. I will be graduating with an under-graduate degree in April 2014.
Anna Eleanor Roosevelt A. Eleanor was a very influential women and the wife of one of our most famous presidents, Theodore Roosevelt. She has helped many people with their work environment and in the financial way the employers were paying them.
During Eleanor’s years as First Lady she held press conferences for women correspondences making it so if the news media wanted to know about any new news breaks that they would have to employ a women representative. Eleanor also resigned from the Daughter of the American Revolution due to the fact that they would not let an African American opera singer perform in the Constitution Hall, she the arranged for the concert to be held at nearby Lincoln Memorial. (Encyclopedia Britannica,