As people of God, we are continually ignoring who and what we are in God, our position, and our authority. As a leader in SBDT I continually hear messages of destruction instead of messages of construction; this one pointing the finger at that one, attending classes without studying which is plainly evident to the teacher that we pretend to be forever learning but never coming to the knowledge of the truth. We freely speak that we are APOSTLES, PROPHETS, EVANGELIST, PASTORS, and TEACHERS, MINISTERS, INTERCESSORS, PRAYER WARRIORS, SAVED, SANCTIFIED, AND FILLED WITH THE HOLY GHOST; BLESSED AND HIGHLY FAVORED. Then we turn right around study, discuss, and even get excited about what we hear taught and preached, then forget. When will we learn? What will it take for us to understand? …show more content…
Are we watching him? Have we separated ourselves from those or that which distracts us from heaven’s onward journey, from who God have called us to be and to do, or we allowing him to steal the seeds that our Apostle have planted; to kill our spirit, and then destroy our hope, joy, promises, our children, our homes, eventually our lives.
God is not mocked! Everyone who cries Lord Lord, dance and shout, preach and prophesy, or even speak in tongues IS NOT SAVED!!! Let us seperate ourselves NOW so that we can see the truth of the Gospel!!! WE ARE A ROYAL PRIESTHOOD; Kings of the earth, A PECULIAR PEOPLE, (What is man…), A CHOSEN GENERATION
In the beginning of this study we learned in Genesis 9:2; (Turn to it, Do we have any leaders who do not have their Bibles with them? WHY?) It reads, “And the fear of you and the dread of you shall be upon every beast of the earth, and upon every fowl of the air, upon all that moveth upon the earth, and upon all the fishes of the sea; into your hand are they