The Election Commission of India is an autonomous, constitutionally established federal authority responsible for administering all the electoral processes in the Republic of India. Under the supervision of the commission, free and fair elections have been held in India at regular intervals as per the principles enshrined in the Constitution. The Election Commission has the power of superintendence, direction and control of all elections to the Parliament of India and the state legislatures and of elections to the office of the President of India and the Vice-President of India.[2]
The commission consists of a Chief Election Commissioner (CEC) and two Election Commissioners (EC), appointed by the President of India.
The Chief Election Commissioner can be removed from his office by Parliament with two-thirds majority in Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha on the grounds of proven misbehaviour or incapacity. Other Election Commissioners can be removed by the President on the recommendation of the Chief Election Commissioner. The Chief Election Commissioner and the two Election Commissioners draw salaries and allowances at par with those of the Judges of the Supreme Court of India as per the Chief Election Commissioner and other Election Commissioners (Conditions of Service) Rules, 1992.[3] The current CEC is V.S.Sampath
Guardian of Free and Fair Elections[edit]
One of the most important features of the democratic polity is elections at regular intervals.
Democracy is the
“Government of the people, By the people, And for the people”.
Holding periodic free & fair elections are essentials of democratic system. It is part of basic structure of the Constitution which has been held in T. N. Sheshan V/s Union of India.[6] The Commission has taken many efforts for the success of elections and thereby democracy
Model Code of Conduct[edit]
The Election Commission is regarded as guardian of free and fair elections. In every election, it issues a