Currently, the Electoral College consists of 538 members. These numbers are based on the population of each state. If a state has more people, they will receive more electoral college members, in other words, more electors. Most of the time, a state is already known to be either “republican” or “democratic” so their number of electoral college votes that they will give to a certain party is already basically decided. But there are also times that a state will be a “swing state” meaning they aren’t officially a republican state nor a demotcratic sate. Despite the contravery, we still use the electoral college today because it is written in the constitution. To disable the electoral college would mean that it would be an amendment, which will require a hard and long process that half of the people do not want to go
Currently, the Electoral College consists of 538 members. These numbers are based on the population of each state. If a state has more people, they will receive more electoral college members, in other words, more electors. Most of the time, a state is already known to be either “republican” or “democratic” so their number of electoral college votes that they will give to a certain party is already basically decided. But there are also times that a state will be a “swing state” meaning they aren’t officially a republican state nor a demotcratic sate. Despite the contravery, we still use the electoral college today because it is written in the constitution. To disable the electoral college would mean that it would be an amendment, which will require a hard and long process that half of the people do not want to go