Well electricity is already a large part of our lives so to start using electricity powered cars would not be so much of a change from our normal routine as people may seem to think And they're already many people using these electrical cars one man mentioned That he uses The Corbin Sparrow (a single person electric vehicle) As his primary commute vehicle he has a 50mi. Total commute To and from work mostly freeway so not that much stop and go traffic but once he gets to work his batteries drained about 50 percent but because the car does not require a special charging stations he can plug it into any standard three prong outlet So he pluges his car and at work and returns home on a 100 percent charge Saving gas and money every day allowing his car to pay for itself but Basically, here's what the Sparrow offers:
Seats 1 person, and ample space for laptop, papers and small grocery run.
13 lead acid batteries, different in detail from conventional automotive batteries, but not fundamentally so. The batteries provide for a very low center of gravity.
Fiberglass body for keeping the weight down while increasing the energy efficiency considerably. I'm averaging .16KwH/mile or thereabouts for my typical commute.
110v charging that takes about 8 hours. However, in my typical usage, I get to 80+% in less than 2 hours, and recharging stations are nearly *everywhere* however an extension cord can be helpful
and a top speed of about 80mph
now this may be good for the average driver or maybe-trips back and forth to