Rousselle Molina date submitted: 5/29/13
I. ABSTRACT: In the Electric Field Mapping, we used charged electrodes to create an electric field on a glass tray with a piece of linear graph paper attached to the bottom. We tested several simple electrode positions by moving the probes and drew equipotential lines based on the voltage difference. We then confirmed that the equipotential lines run perpendicular to electric field lines by looking at the experimental data points.
Lab Partner: Matthew Seesselberg
II. Experimental Procedure: We begin the experiment by setting up the glass tray with Cartesian planes below it. The two wire probes on +5, -5 sides of the glass tray were connected to the power supply and one wire probe on 0,3 point was connected to the voltmeter. Water is added to the tray upon setting the voltage to 8.00V. Four more points, which will then be the equipotential lines, were located where the point of deflection is 0 or minimum. This was done with the use of wire probe with a wooden handle attached to voltmeter. This was repeated four times in different coordinate points of the Cartesian plane. The second set of experiment was done with two parallel plate charges and the procedures were repeated. In the third set of experiment, we only used one parallel plate charge and one point charge and same procedures were done. The fourth set of experiment used two parallel plate charges with a circular ring in the middle and same procedures were done, moreover, we took note with the points inside the circular ring. For the last set, we were asked to draw the electric field lines assuming that left charge is positive negative on the right.
III. Schematic drawing:
IV. Data Result:
Calculation: No calculation was used in the experiment
V. Graph