Dwinita Ayuningtyas ( X2 / 10)
Elizabeth Irianti ( X2 / 10)
M. Ariefur Rohman ( X2 / 10)
Richa Wahyu A. ( X2 / 10)
Tiara Faradina P. ( X2 / 10)
Yanuar Alfa T.S. ( X2 / 10)
Worship and praise we prayed the presence of god almighty who has guided and directed us, so we can resolve this chemical report. We make this report to refine the experiment on the Electrical Conductivity In Solution we’ve done a few days ago. This report presented the result of experimental data we get from the experiments. Ultimately as human beings, this report does not escape from the deficiencies. Therefore, suggestions and input from our teacher is expected. Thank you to all those who helped complete this report, may be useful.
Malang, 4 Maret 2010
Electrical Conductivity In Solution
➢ Base Theory: The solution is a homogeneous system consisting of the solute and solvent. Solvents are often used in dissolving the solute is water. Solute has two properties based on when the current behavior electricity flows. The first trait, the solute can conduct electrical current, so the solution is formed through chemical changes and are able to conduct electrical current. The solution is called electrolyte solution. Second nature, a substance that when dissolved in water can not be conduct electricity and no chemical changes, so the solution formed called non electrolyte solution. All inorganic solvents, good acid, alkaline, or salt having the properties able to conduct electrical current. While all the solutions that come from organic substances such as sugar cane, manosa, glucose, glycerin, ethanol, and urea, not able to conduct electrical current. Electrolyte solution was divided into two kinds, there are: a. Electrolyte strong, the solutions that have electrical conductivity big. Strong electrolyte solution in the perfect ionized water. If tested in a simple electrolyte