All working must be CLEARLY shown
Use sketches where necessary to support your answers
Silent electronic calculators may be used
Students MUST answer ALL questions in Section A and any THREE in section B
All questions should be answered using standard english
Section A: Short answer questions. Answer ALL TEN questions.
1. Draw a labeled diagram of an atom
2. Define Current and state its symbol and unit
3. Draw the symbol for a battery
4. List two types of resistors
5. What is the formular for voltage in terms of current and resistance?
6. Define direct current
7. What s the difference between Energy and Power?
8. What is the color code of a 2500Ω resistor with 5% tolerance?
9. Define frequency.
10. Give the symbol and unit for charge.
Total 20 mks
Section B: Essay type questions. Answer ANY THREE Questions.
1) (a) Define the terms: (i) Resistivity (ii) Temperature Coefficient of Resistance (4mks)
(b) Name THREE factors which affect the resistance of a metallic conductor. (3mks)
(c) A copper cable 1500 m long, has a cross-sectional area of 25 x 10-6 m2 at 20ºC. The resistivity of copper is 1.7 x 10-8 Ωm.
Calculate the
(i) resistance of the cable (R=ρl/A) (4mks)
(ii) resistance of the cable if the temperature rises from 20ºC to 35ºC and the temperature coefficient of copper is 0.004Ω/ ΩºC. (5mks)
(d) Describe the difference between positive and negative temperature coefficients of materials (4mks)
Total marks 20
2) (a) (i) How does alternating current (a.c) differ from direct current (d.c)? (ii) Name a device which works ONLY on a.c and one which works ONLY on d.c. (3mks)
(b) With respect to an alternating voltage, what is meant by the term ‘period’?
` (2mks)
(c) V