Guaranty Trust Bank Plc with its headquarter at Victoria Island, Lagos as at December 2011 had an operating income of N141.729 billion, net income of N52.654 billion, total asset of N1,525.010 billion and a total equity of N235.911 billion and it had more than two thousand,five hundred employees in Nigeria. Its subsidiaries include Guaranty Trust Assurance Plc, GTB Registrars Ltd, GT Homes Ltd, GTB Assets Management Ltd, and GTB Finance B.V Netherlands. Guaranty Trust Bank has over 160 branches in Nigeria and runs nationwide more than 230 ATMs. As one of the first banks in Nigeria, they introduced online banking and first sms banking and as very first naira denominated mastercard as well as the platinum and World signia cards and GTB on wheels, the only existing mobile branches. GT bank has already expanded to Cote d'ivoire, Gambia, Ghana, Liberia, and Sierra Leone. These countries belong to the 'Ecozone'. It has also expanded to the United Kingdom and future plans include expanding to more African countries. In 2011 Guaranty Trust Bank Plc became the biggest and the most profitable bank in Nigeria by market capitalization. Whereas in 2010, it was on the 3rd place behind Zenith bank and First Bank plc. It is one of the biggest companies in entire West Africa. On July 26,2007 the bank was, as very first the Subsaharan bank and first Nigerian joint stock company listed on London stock exchange and Deutch Borse as the IPO raised $750,000,000. In the same year, they successfully placed Nigeria's first private Eurobond issue on the international capital markets.
Guaranty Trust Bank Plc is a partner of Atlantic City, a new made island (820 hectares) in the Atlantic ocean, adjacent to Victoria Island Lagos. It will be the home of the new financial District. The building of Eko Atlantic City started in