Electronic documentation tools offer many features designed to increase both the quality and the utility of clinical documentation, enhancing communication between all healthcare providers. Silow-Carroll, S., Edwards, J., Rodin, D., (2012), stated that one of the key driver in the implementation of EHR is to improve health care quality, and patient safety. To achieve this, it is critical that the data in the system is not compromised. In order to ensure the quality of the data contained in the system, there should be processes designed and put in place so that any information utilized from the system …show more content…
The organization cautioned about using the copy and paste methodology in documentation. The rational is that this methodology can creates redundancy and inaccurate information in the HER system. The importance of this is seen when the wrong information is documented on the wrong patient health record. A seemly minor error in patient identification can affect all facet of health care; including the clinical decision-making process and patient safety, notwithstanding it can also affect patient’s privacy and security, and result in duplicate testing and increased costs to patients, providers, and payers.
The quality of data contained in its electronic health record (EHR) information system can be protected by the health care organizations. This can be accomplished by employing user's authentications, access control, encryption and systematic audit control. Special alerts can be designed and embedded within an EHR to avoid potential safety issues, such as the wrong medication and or