1. What concepts in the chapter are illustrated in this case? Who are the stakeholders in this case? Chapter concepts illustrated in this case include: * Responsibility – accepting the potential costs, duties, and obligations for decisions. Google must assume the bulk of responsibility for securing the data and ensuring it’s used only for authorized purposes. * Accountability – a feature of systems and social institutions: It means that mechanisms are in place to determine who took responsible action. Again, Google must ensure accountability of its systems and those responsible for creating and maintaining the system. * Liability – a feature of political systems in which a body of …show more content…
What are the pros and cons of electronic patient records? Do you think the concerns over digitizing our medical records are valid? Why or why not?
Pros of electronic patient records include more efficient access and dissemination of medical data, especially in emergencies. The costs of gathering, storing, and disseminating medical data promise to be lower with electronic health records. Electronic health records stand to provide much-needed organization and efficiency to the healthcare industry. Proponents of electronic health records argue that computer technology, once fully implemented, would enhance security rather than threaten it.
Cons of electronic patient records, first and foremost, include privacy concerns over how the data will be captured, stored, and used. Security breaches already occur with some medical data systems and Google’s proposed system is subject to the same threats. People are worried that sensitive information legitimately accessible via electronic health records might lead to their losing health insurance or job opportunities.
5. Should people entrust Google with their electronic medical records? Why or why