B. Tech. Project
Praneeth Tammiraju 04007032
1. Introduction 2. RFID in ETC a. RFID – a review b. The actual role c. Technicalities in brief 3. The Reader Design a. The transceiver design b. Circuit description c. The PCB of the reader d. Programmability of the reader 4. The Transponder Design a. Broad Overview b. Redesigning rectifier 5. Communication Protocol 6. Conclusion 7. References 2 3 3 3 4 6 6 7 9 9 11 11 11 13 14 15
Tolling on roads and highways today is done mostly on a manual basis i.e. vehicles stop at a check gate and the toll is collected manually by authorized personnel. This poses a lot of problems such as traffic congestion, inefficient use of human resources, vast amount fuel and time wastage apart from, of course seeming very primitive in today’s world of automation. There are already methods in practice that attempt to automate the whole process. Systems that use installed video cameras that scan the license plates of the vehicles to identify the vehicles and initiate the tolling process are a viable solution but with their own problems in execution – the most important being the logistical diversity in the nature of vehicles which makes a universal protocol impossible. In this context, RFID puts forward a very efficient solution to the automation problem in the case of electronic toll collection. This document discusses the use of RFID in Electronic Toll Collection. It discusses the requirements of such an application and how RFID systems should be customized to meet these needs. It describes a circuit for the transceiver at frequency 2.45 GHz and its interfacing with a computer. A brief note about the specifications of the antenna used and an introduction to the transponder design are made.
RFID – a review
The basic working of an RFID is well described in Fig. 1 below.
Fig. 1: Schematic of