Paper VIII / Response Sheet - 2
Registration No: 71/23379
Nikhil Mathur
Question: What factors do you consider while using technology to manage performance?
Answer : Electronic Performance Support System (EPSS) was introduced in 1991 with Gloria Gery’s Book: How and why to use remake the workplace through strategic application of technology. Since then EPSS has become an integral part of Organization Development, Human Resource, Performance Technology and Training Development Professionals. This is because EPSS seeks to solve two of the most significant problems facing business today – individual job performance & organizational competitiveness.
While choosing the right Technology, the points we need to consider are:
Cost of the technology in terms of monetary & Time. Which is effective
How easy this technology is for use by users
How effective the technology is for implementation of desired results
What shall be impact on participants while changing the way of working
What shall be impact on performance of individual and organization
How it will impact the behavior of an individual while making the change in way of being evaluated
What type of training to be imparted while implementing
What is the purpose of training – usage or up-gradation and a clear communication to team
What shall be the target audience? Who shall be used as pilot team and why
What all response is expected & preparing FAQ to ensure common communication
What is trainers capability to handle such situation and be a change agent
Checking if there is culture for e-learning
What is kind of relations between trainer / training Vs IT Team Vs Implementation Team
What is the capability of team who is developing the EPSS
Understanding of Development team on impact level of program on decision making
If the developers are referring to History for enhancement or it’s a new technology all together
How much management team is aligned with