1.1 Overview
The proposed project an embedded system based project which will closely monitor and control the power imbalance, this system gives the constant supply of voltage to the load for the distribution system to show this we design the circuit where we show that how we make the constant voltage by changing the voltage using tap changer, we use instruments for making the constant voltage is micro controller.
The equipment used for this project are two transformers, one for power supply and another for tap changing, LCD is used for displaying the value, dc motor is used as load, MC is used for controlling voltage, relays are used for two tapings, variable resister, potentiometer, crystal oscillator,555timeretc. are used.
.2 Block Diagram
Figure1.1:-Block diagram of On Load Tap Changer.
1.3 Circuit Diagram
Figure 1.2:-Circuit diagram of on load tap changer.
1.4 Steps of Working
Step 1:- 1A transformer is used for power supply.
Step 2:- Bridge rectifier is used for converting analog to digital signal.
Step 3:-A transistor is used to regulate the voltage.
Step 4:-A capacitor is used for providing pure dc.
Step 5:- After that the power will supply to each component of the system.
Step 6:- Another 500A transformer is used for changing the taps.
Step 7:- Two relays are used for two tapings.
Step 8:- In first tapping the voltage is more than 10v but for tapping two the voltage less than 10v can be use but not more than 15v.
Step 9:- The changing voltage is shown in the LCD screen.
Step 10:- There is a temperature is used to sense the temperature and that ac voltage which is converted to dc by using ADC.
Step 11:- A MC controller is used and resisters are used for giving the constant voltage.
Step 12:-
References: [1] Avr Microcontroller and Embedded Systems: Using Assembly and C (Paperback) by Muhammad Mazidi [2] B.H.Khan, “Non-Conventional Energy Resources”, Tata McGrawHill, 2009 [3] D. P. Kothari, K. C. Singal, R. Ranjan, “Renewable Energy Sources and Emerging Technologies”, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi, 2008. [4] S. N. Bhadra, D. Kastha, S. Banerjee, “Wind Electrical System”s, Oxford Univ. Press, New Delhi, 2005. [5] S. A. Abbasi, N. Abbasi, “Renewable Energy Sources and Their Environmental Impact”, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi, 2006. [6] http://google.co.in