Lesson Plan Objectives
After this lesson, students will be able to better distinguish between different phases of the moon
Children will learn about other objects in the sky, such as the clouds
Students will learn about what happens during a rain storm (Clouds-Rain-Lightning/Thunder-Rainbow)
Materials Needed
“Cry-Baby Moon” Book
Authors: Kāterina Mataira and Terewai Kemp; Illustrator: Hōne Ihi-o-te-rangi Ngata
This book is about the Moon who is upset because she can not see her reflection in the sea. In the book she receives advice from a cloud, the rain, lightning & thunder, and a rainbow during a rain storm.
Moon Phases song, available on Strollin ' Jeff Wolin 's In Your Backyard.
Moon Phase Chart, or you can make your own, draw the phases on the board, or display on oak tag.
Paper, crayons, markers, scissors
1. Read “Cry-baby Moon” book aloud to students. Before you read a page, ask the students what they think is happening in the picture. As you proceed through the book ask open-ended questions such as “What do you think will happen next” or “Will the moon ever see his reflection?”
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2. After reading “Cry-baby Moon” show the students the chart of the moon phases. Before going into detail, ask the students to give their perception or view of what the phases are, what the names of each phase is, why the moon goes
References: "Cry-Baby Moon” written by Kāterina Mataira & Terewai Kemp and Illustrated by Hōne Ihi-o-te-rangi Ngata “Moon Phases” song on Jeff Wolin 's “In Your Backyard”. Information comes from personal experience