Line is the most direct way of making a mark, lines define form and shape. Lines do
not occur in nature. They are simply used to translate a form into something we can
recognise on paper. The outline just symbolises the object we represent.
- Combinations of line can be used to represent structure and movement.
- Line can be used to create the sensation of movement.
- The artist can communicate feelings by using line expressively. Different lines
encourage this.
Line Types
Contour - Line which are brief descriptions of an object.
Calligraphic - Captures the expressive qualities of an object, quick flowing marks.
Tonal - Represents shapes, form and textures in objects
Visual - Represents texture
Tactile - Drawings as themselves can be textile
Line Direction
Circles, curved lines - movement , progression.
Vertical - Elevation, formality.
Horizontal - Intimacy, restful and peaceful.
Moderately curved - Harmony, graceful.
Line In Relation To Principals.
Variety - Combinations of contrasting lines create variety , long, short, zig zag and
Repetition Of Line - Harmony, balance.
- Balance, common groupings of line and textures.
- Harmony, lines and textures flow together in unified direction and
corresponding rhythm.
Combinations of particular lines can also create disharmony and disunification.
Line Exercise
1.Draw three drawings analising the different types of line that are used.
2. Find Three artists , describe and discuss the types of lines and textures they have
e.g. Textural - Susan Norrie
Movement - Brett Whitely
Geometrical - Geoff Smart
- Texture is how the surface of an object feels to touch. In sculpture Real Texture is
an element in painting texture is simulated.
- Different lines can create textures,
Converging Lines
Contrasting lines and marks
Repetition of marks
- How does texture effect the design