Visual Art
Elements & Principles of
Copyright © 2009 www.digiartport.net
The Elements of Art
One of the main objectives of this course is to learn how to critically analyze art works, including your own and how to communicate about the arts and communicate with art.
To do this, it is necessary to have a basic understanding of the elements of art commonly referred to as the language of art. The elements are what the artist uses to create the work (with or without intent) and what the critic uses to evaluate the work. Visual
These elements can be applied to discuss any of the visual arts including: painting, photography, set design, graphic design, sculpture, and architecture. Line
We will look at each element in depth. Use your vocabulary sketch worksheet---on left side write the vocabulary word, describe it and then draw it on the right side. You will use the sketches later in this and other assignments.
Visual Elements – Line
Line: An element of art that is used to define shape, contours, and outlines, also to suggest mass and volume. It may be a continuous mark made on a surface with a pointed tool or implied by the edges of shapes and forms.
Characteristics of Line are:
thick, thin, tapering, uneven
Length - long, short, continuous, broken Direction- horizontal, vertical, diagonal, curving, perpendicular, oblique, parallel, radial, zigzag
Focussharp, blurry, fuzzy, choppy
Feeling- sharp, jagged, graceful, smooth Visual Elements – Line
Types of Line:
Lines made by the edge of an object or its silhouette.
Contour Lines- Lines that describe the shape of an object and the interior detail. Expressive Lines- Line that are energetic and catches the movement and gestures of an active figure. Contour
• Contour line is the outside line, or the line that distinguishes the outer edge of the object within the art work. Giotto
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