Patricia Summerville
REL 134
August 23, 2010
Clark Frailey
Religion is practiced by believers all over the world. There are many different Religions, some with similarities some not, some that go back to the beginning of time and some brand new branched off of the old traditions and rituals.
Relationship with the Divine
Divine is one of the many names that various religions use for the name of God. In the Western world the term used for the Divine (sacred reality) is God. Divine as He is called is just, compassionate, infinite in virtues and pure. In describing the relationship with the Divine, according to …show more content…
All religions have some type of prayer time, for example with some Christians they have a basic prayer that give praise, honor and glory to the most High God and Savior, Jesus Christ, for forgiveness of sins, healing, prosperity, etc. Roman Catholics pray to their God and the Virgin Mary. Spending time with other believers and reading of the Bible with rituals being the way that humans can be sure they are living their lives pleasing to the God of their understanding. Falun Gong, closely related to traditional Chinese religions practice a series of five physical exercises believing they gain health and strength. The Yoruba traditions is a mixture of Yoruba religions and Christianity rituals consisting of prayer, dance and food. African religion took on the appearance of changing to Catholic religion and performing their own religion in secret behind …show more content…
The other native religion being more theistic having powerful spirits that only stay for a short period of time. With animism everything is the same, meaning, they have no sense of reality, what’s real and what’s not. Ordinary people believe in voodoo so they treat things with care for fear of a curse being put on them. With the Wicca their images are rooted in nature. The moon and the stars are sacred symbols with their religion, they also ban harming of the earth. Hinduism, reality is spiritual in nature, Theosophists interested in exploring powers in humans and the nonhuman