Silicon based semiconductors have become a major part of our society. Of all of the inventions in the last century the silicon semiconductor is arguably one of the most influential. This component has allowed technology to enhance and expand at an astonishing rate. You will find semiconductors at the core of every microchip as well as almost all transistors. Any object that is computerized depends on these semiconductors. Silicon is the basis of these semiconductors and a key component in all modern electronics. The use of silicon has allowed for the creation of microelectronics, which has completely revolutionized the computing industry within the past three decades. The use of silicon based semi conductors have led to the Information Age
The biggest advantage of using silicon in electronics is that many silicon based devices can be built on a micron scale and placed on a single micro chip, giving the electronic a high processing power while cutting down on the size. The microchip consists of a set of interconnected electronics that are placed on a small chip of semiconducting material like silicone. It is due to this scale ability that microchips are used in the majority of all new technology. Microchips are placed in objects like cars, phones, computers and even clothing. Microchips can be considered the same thing as integrated circuits. The differences however is that microchips
References: Trefil, J. S., & Hazen, R. M. (2013). Materials and Their Properties. In The sciences: An integrated approach (pp. 237 - 255). WHAT IS ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE?. (n.d.). Retrieved June 17, 2013, from