elephants that are injured or dying, and even reportedly reassure distressed individual elephants with a gentle touch of their trunk,” in the article Elephants Console Each Other, the purpose of which was to inform readers of elephants’ compassion. This proves that elephants also show compassion as they respond to and help others just as humans do with things like hugs. You can conclude from this evidence that Morell wrote to inform the readers of the intellect and compassion. Plotnik, however, wrote to a scientific audience who would want to recreate his experiment. In the article Elephants Know When They Need a Helping Trunk in a Cooperative Task Plotnik explains “The table apparatus was comprised of two pieces of plywood painted and bolted to a rectangular PVC pipe frame 3.3m wide and 1.2 m deep.” In this, Plotnik is giving specific instructions and measurements so the scientists reading this could easily recreate this experiment and test his results. Another example of instructions in In the article Elephants Know When They Need a Helping Trunk in a Cooperative Task is “The table was placed 4 m beyond two trees, and three wooden planks set in the ground ensured smooth movement of the table.” This again shows that Plotnik wrote this article to give detailed directions to his audience on how to recreate his experiment.
elephants that are injured or dying, and even reportedly reassure distressed individual elephants with a gentle touch of their trunk,” in the article Elephants Console Each Other, the purpose of which was to inform readers of elephants’ compassion. This proves that elephants also show compassion as they respond to and help others just as humans do with things like hugs. You can conclude from this evidence that Morell wrote to inform the readers of the intellect and compassion. Plotnik, however, wrote to a scientific audience who would want to recreate his experiment. In the article Elephants Know When They Need a Helping Trunk in a Cooperative Task Plotnik explains “The table apparatus was comprised of two pieces of plywood painted and bolted to a rectangular PVC pipe frame 3.3m wide and 1.2 m deep.” In this, Plotnik is giving specific instructions and measurements so the scientists reading this could easily recreate this experiment and test his results. Another example of instructions in In the article Elephants Know When They Need a Helping Trunk in a Cooperative Task is “The table was placed 4 m beyond two trees, and three wooden planks set in the ground ensured smooth movement of the table.” This again shows that Plotnik wrote this article to give detailed directions to his audience on how to recreate his experiment.