The story of “Elephant Run” begins with the 14-year-old Nick Freestone in the midst of World War II, a teenager that had been sent from London to Burma to be with his father on account of the dangers of the Blitz during 1941. It is in Burma Nick’s father, Jackson Freestone, owns an old estate and plantation that had been passed down from generation to generation in the Freestone family. After Nick is flown into Burma he encounters his native guide to the plantation, Nang, an elephant rider or mahout as they are known, accompanied by his two children Indaw and Mya. Once Nick arrives at the plantation estate, Hawk’s Nest, he awaits his father and has his first confrontation with the unpredictably dangerous elephant Hannibal. By the time Jackson Freestone arrives to greet his son, Nick is informed that Burma is equally as unsafe as London, having been invaded by the Japanese and that he is to be moved to safer land, namely Australia. Unfortunately, while Nick, his father, and his companions were out the Japanese vanguard captures them and seizes control of the plantation and its people. The Japanese leader, Captain Moto, imprisons the teenager in his room and is closely guarded by a Burmese traitor known as Bukong. Luckily, one of Nick’s father’s allies, a very old mahout called Hilltop helps break both his great-granddaughter Mya and Nick out of Hawk’s Nest using secret tunnels in the walls of the house. Disguising themselves as novice monks, Nick and Mya are able to escape Japanese detection to venture into the Burmese jungle to locate Nick’s father. With the help of the wild elephant Hannibal and the guidance of the wise Hilltop the trio locate Jackson and Mya’s brother Indaw at a prison camp. It is at this camp that they spot Jackson Freestone being buried as a part of Hilltop and Jackson’s earlier plot to fake his death to escape the camp. However, as the group is escaping they are spotted by Captain Moto, Bukong and several other Japanese troops.
The story of “Elephant Run” begins with the 14-year-old Nick Freestone in the midst of World War II, a teenager that had been sent from London to Burma to be with his father on account of the dangers of the Blitz during 1941. It is in Burma Nick’s father, Jackson Freestone, owns an old estate and plantation that had been passed down from generation to generation in the Freestone family. After Nick is flown into Burma he encounters his native guide to the plantation, Nang, an elephant rider or mahout as they are known, accompanied by his two children Indaw and Mya. Once Nick arrives at the plantation estate, Hawk’s Nest, he awaits his father and has his first confrontation with the unpredictably dangerous elephant Hannibal. By the time Jackson Freestone arrives to greet his son, Nick is informed that Burma is equally as unsafe as London, having been invaded by the Japanese and that he is to be moved to safer land, namely Australia. Unfortunately, while Nick, his father, and his companions were out the Japanese vanguard captures them and seizes control of the plantation and its people. The Japanese leader, Captain Moto, imprisons the teenager in his room and is closely guarded by a Burmese traitor known as Bukong. Luckily, one of Nick’s father’s allies, a very old mahout called Hilltop helps break both his great-granddaughter Mya and Nick out of Hawk’s Nest using secret tunnels in the walls of the house. Disguising themselves as novice monks, Nick and Mya are able to escape Japanese detection to venture into the Burmese jungle to locate Nick’s father. With the help of the wild elephant Hannibal and the guidance of the wise Hilltop the trio locate Jackson and Mya’s brother Indaw at a prison camp. It is at this camp that they spot Jackson Freestone being buried as a part of Hilltop and Jackson’s earlier plot to fake his death to escape the camp. However, as the group is escaping they are spotted by Captain Moto, Bukong and several other Japanese troops.