He was very smart and brilliant. He wanted to attended college but was he was short on money. To earn money he taught at a school but only got seven dollars a month. He also made and fixed machines. When he was 23 years old he finally had enough money to attend college. He went for four years at Yale University. He graduated in 1792. He then moved to Georgia to continue teaching and study the practice of law. He thought that he was going to be in career involving law but he couldn’t afford it so he went to South Carolina to be a private tutor.
Eli Whitney made many things in his lifetime. The two main invention that he is most known for is the cotton gin and Interchangeable parts. Without even realizing it, he made a big difference in the South because of the cotton gin. The making of Interchangeable parts contributed to the victory of the U.S. in the Civil War. He also made the musket. The musket was a firearm used in the Civil War. He also made canes, nails, and laide haptians before assembling the cotton …show more content…
It was invented in 1794. This invention changed the South in a positive way. How the cotton gin started was when Eli Whitney first met Catherine Greene, the widow of Nathaniel Greene who was a General in the Revolutionary War. The cotton gin was a machine that is made to separate the cotton from the seeds of the plant. The name is short for “the cotton engine”. The cotton gin was more affordable because it turned harvest cotton into useable cotton for textiles. This new machinary help the hours of labor reduce over half way because it was able to clean the cotton quicker using a technique that involved hooks, rotating brushes and wires. What it took ten slaves to do in a day would only take one hour in the cotton