The subject matter was always the royalty of her time, such as Queen Louise of Prussia, Catherine the great of Russia, and a few lucky actresses such as Giuseppina Grassini, Famous for her role of Zaire. Elisabeth also Painted her brother a few times. Some people credit her with a landscape of a cliff in France, because in her memoirs, she talks about seeing those cliffs, but historians disagree. They believe the painting was done by one of her students. The Color was usually darker shades and some browns highlighted with one or two brilliant colors, but on occasion, she has been known to use entirely bright colors such as greens, pinks, blues, reds, and yellows. One example of her vibrant portraits was “Self Portrait in a Straw Hat.” The Texture of the painting look like if you could touch the painting, it would be smooth and flat like a marble kitchen countertop. Her Medium is the same in every painting she does. The medium is oil paint on canvas. Light is usually streaming in from behind Elisabeth, and the perspective is looking straight on at the
The subject matter was always the royalty of her time, such as Queen Louise of Prussia, Catherine the great of Russia, and a few lucky actresses such as Giuseppina Grassini, Famous for her role of Zaire. Elisabeth also Painted her brother a few times. Some people credit her with a landscape of a cliff in France, because in her memoirs, she talks about seeing those cliffs, but historians disagree. They believe the painting was done by one of her students. The Color was usually darker shades and some browns highlighted with one or two brilliant colors, but on occasion, she has been known to use entirely bright colors such as greens, pinks, blues, reds, and yellows. One example of her vibrant portraits was “Self Portrait in a Straw Hat.” The Texture of the painting look like if you could touch the painting, it would be smooth and flat like a marble kitchen countertop. Her Medium is the same in every painting she does. The medium is oil paint on canvas. Light is usually streaming in from behind Elisabeth, and the perspective is looking straight on at the