Much of Bishop 's work is preoccupied with motherhood, the role of the mother, her presence and influence, sometimes in the most unlikely of places. On a denotative level, 'Filling Station ' is a descriptive but trivial and charming little appreciation of motherhood. On a connotative level, however, the poem may be interpreted as an allegory of human life, in which the filling station is a microcosm of the sordidness and squalor of the world. Any attempts to decorate of adorn this world may be as Patrick Murray argues, "a metaphor for our early efforts to find beauty out of ugliness and aesthetic harmony out of randomness". We strive to distinguish between beauty and ugliness. Our whole world is divided between the two. But within our identification of what is ugly, comes our human desire to turn this into beauty, to change it. In my opinion, in 'Filling Station
References: to the loon and the comparisons the child makes between it and Arthur reflects the struggles of the child to comprehend death. The loon like Arthur "hadn 't said a word". As the child becomes more confused by her cousin 's death, her attention begins to drift towards the loon. She becomes completely preoccupied by it. She focuses on its silence, the violence of its death, its motionlessness, and its colours. "Shot and stuffed by Uncle Arthur, Arthur 's father". Is she wondering if her Uncle Arthur brought the death of her young cousin as he did the loon? Bishop 's ability to de-familarise the familiar is evident as the domestic world, the familiar world of the parlour and the family are de-familarised by the presence of the coffin and corpse. The poignancy of the moment is further enhanced by the references to the speaker 's mother who is associated with pain and loss. "Sestina" is a memorable and enigmatic poem, both for its diversity of form and style. Bishop adopts the sestina style, an archaic and difficult form, to fashion her recollections and reflections of her childhood. A sestina has six unrhymed stanzas of six lines each and a seventh stanza, an envoy, of three lines that utilises the six end words of the first six stanzas. Articulated from the perspective of her childhood self, "Sestina" is a melancholic and nostalgic reflection of Bishop 's childhood, evoking a time and atmosphere before her mother 's final departure from their home and from the poet 's life. While the narrator 's voice is that of the poet, the voice is that of a detached observer rather than an active or emotive participant in the action she narrates. She stands outside the action, apart from the experience, using third person narrative and never personalising the child of grandmother of the poem.