Elizabethan Era Women
The Elizabethan Era was a time in history with many important contributions that still affect life in the world today. Is it ironic to say that while having a queen, the rest of female citizens had very little rights and were discriminated against? The answer is yes, during this time period, like many others back in history, women were viewed as subordinate to men. They were denied rights that men had and were basically owned by their husbands. Most women that lived in Elizabethan England were underestimated and viewed as inferior to all males. The years of the late 1500’s were characterized by the reign of Queen Elizabeth, this time period was called The Elizabethan Era. Society during this time changed greatly and England developed its individuality, although, the real growth came from merchants. New woodwork, construction, and designing came into play and made a great addition to the Elizabethan Era. The wonderful works of Shakespeare also came out during this period of history. Shakespeare wrote great pieces of literature, the language of which was Latin, and some were performed as plays. He wrote 37 plays and they were performed in the Globe Theater. Also this time period was greatly neglectful towards women,. For example, as previously stated, Shakespearean plays were performed in the Globe Theater but, only men were eligible to become actors. Women were strictly not allowed to take part in any of the shows, so men were forced to play female roles. Even though there was an unfair factor in the Elizabethan Era, it was a wonderful area of growth in society, especially for Shakespearean literature, that contributed important things that are still talked about today. Women in this part of history had many restrictions, requirements, and expectations. The main role that rested upon women was staying home and taking care children and household duties. Women generally lacked the ability to be educated unless they were of nobility and even then they were not
Cited: "Betrothal and Wedding." Life in Elizabethan England 9: Weddings and Betrothals. Popinjay Press, 26 Mar. 2000. Web. 14 Jan. 2013.
"Elizabethan Era Women 's Roles:Education,Birth,Marriage,Social Status,Life." Elizabethan Era Women 's Roles:Education,Birth,Marriage,Social Status,Life. N.p., n.d. Web. 14 Jan. 2013.
."Elizabethan Women." Elizabethan Women. William Shakespeare Info, 2005. Web. 17 Jan. 2013.
"Love and Marriage." Life in Elizabethan England 10:. Popinjay Press, 25 Mar. 2008. Web. 14 Jan. 2013
Thomas, Heather, and M. Phill. "Elizabethan Women." Elizabethan Women. N.p., 1998-2012. Web. 21 Jan. 2013.